George & Florence Crosby Family
Argentina | John Harris Crosby, Roy Rulon Crosby, Darel Thomas Crosby, Jared Lee Skousen |
US Arizona | Scott Alexander Gay, Jared Russell Crosby |
US Arizona | George Ellis & Florence Leoma Greer Crosby (Mesa Temple), John Harris & Carma Butler Crosby (Mesa Temple), Chris Duncan & Kris Rothlisberger Dutton (Stake -Phoenix), Robert William Rothlisberger (Stake – Tempe), Robert William & Linda Crosby Rothlisberger (Spanish Extraction -Thatcher) |
Arkansas | Chet Ethington Crosby (Little Rock) |
Australia | George Ellis & Florence Leoma Greer Crosby |
Brazil | Robert W.Rothlisberger, Donald Grant Skousen (Macieo),Nathan Crosby |
US California | Aaron George Crosby (San Jose) |
Denmark | Craig Parker Crosby, John Michael Swanson |
Dominican Republic | Michael Harris Crosby, Jonathon Edwin Crosby |
England London | Jimmy Riggs Crosby |
US Florida | Sarah Skousen Tippetts |
France | Andrew Wallace Goddard |
US Georgia | Derek Thomas Harbour (Macon) |
Germany | Jennifer Crosby Barzee |
Guatemala | John Russell Crosby |
US Gulf States (TX, LA, MS) | James Greer Crosby |
Illinois | Todd Stanley TannerChase David Crosby |
Italy | Shannon Harvey Crosby |
Jamaica | Benjamin Ellis Crosby |
Japan | Gerald Lee Skousen (Tokyo North), William Brian Rothlisberger |
Korea | Chad Knecht Crosby |
Mexico | Thomas Lavere Tippetts |
US Michigan | Trevor Dennis Crosby |
US Missouri | Miles Shae Crosby (Independence) |
Netherlands | Joshua Curt Crosby (Amsterdam) |
US Nevada | Jason Andrew Rothlisberger |
US New Mexico | Donald Parker & Iva Marie (Dolly) Sowers Crosby (Albuquerque Temple) |
US New York | Roy Rulon & Marjorie Clark Crosby |
New Zealand | Chris Duncan Dutton |
Paraguay | Roxane Crosby Bybee |
Philippines | Barry Roberts Crosby |
Portugal | Rex Arlo Barzee, Natalie Crosby Goddard |
US South Dakota | Matthew Scott Crosby |
Sweden | Keri Vincent Skousen (Stockholm) |
US Texas | Craig Parker Crosby, Jr., Roy Rulon & Marjorie Clark Crosby |
Uruguay | Curt Lorenzo CrosbyDavid Roger Crosby |
US Utah | Barry Roberts Crosby (Provo), Sylvia Crosby Skousen Clegg (Utah South) |
US Virginia | Grant Niels Skousen (Roanoke) |
US Washington | Johnathon Scott Gay |
2022 Crosby Family Mission List Addendum
Bolivia | Gabriel Ethington Crosby |
Chile | Maxwell Wallace Goddard |
England | James Curtis Bybee, Denim Lyman |
Ghana | Jacob Oakes Crosby, Liam George Rothlisberger |
Guatemala (Temple/Pathway) | Russell & Becky Crosby |
Mexico | Lecy Deane Skousen |
Netherlands | Heidi Hyatt Crosby |
Peru | Jacob Lloyd Skousen |
Philippines | Tyler Finlinson, Jonas Crosby Barzee |
Singapore / Malaysia | Brooke Blauer Skousen |
Sweden | Brandon Ellis Tullis |
Switzerland | Tyler Scott Markus |
Uruguay | Alexander Neville Jones |
US California | Kellen Barry Crosby |
US Georgia | Seth Russell Hewett, Caleb Rex Barzee |
US Idaho | Marcus Sean Pace, Sariah Crosby |
US Indiana | Michelle Crosby |
US Maryland | Treston John Webster |
US Missouri | George Greer Crosby |
US Pennsylvania | Kelcee Crosby |
US Texas | Caleb Skousen Gay, Shirley Crosby |
US Utah | Mark Hanna, Gerry & Michelle Skousen |
US Virginia | Nicole Ann Skousen |
US Washington DC | Daniel Tyler Gillespie |
Three Crosby Sister Missionaries Serving at the Same Time

Hermana Shirley Crosby’s email from Texas
Wow I don’t know how to start this off but I want to say thank you! To anyone that reads this, thank you! At the start of my mission I could never have imagined how much I would grow to love this work, this place, this people, this gospel! 18 months and completely different priorities, habits, goals, and most importantly a completely different person.
Still the question of “what are you going to do after your mission?” Almost brings me to tears but also fills me with excitement!! The reason for that is, throughout my mission I’ve taught lots of good ol’ Texans all about the wonderful plan that God has for them and I’ve seen people’s lives change because of it! How then can I not change my own life? How can I not look forward with faith and hope?? I can!! Because of my growing testimony of this gospel I have hope for the future :))
Missions aren’t easy but I wouldn’t change that for anything! The time that I served, the companions, the members I met that strengthened me and all of my amazing friends that I made!! I am so grateful, I love this work!
I know that God is sooo aware of each and every one of us and that he wants us to be happy.
2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Fear and negativity are not from our Heavenly Father, if you feel those often I know that if you rely on Him those feelings will leave. Prayer is real, God is real! I have studied for myself and I know that Joseph Smith was truly called of God and that through the Book of Mormon we can strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the opportunities that I have had to grow and utilize it! The feeling of change is a beautiful feeling, change is good. This gospel is beautiful and I pray and hope that each and everyone of you can feel God’s love and if you don’t, I hope that you work to feel it!
I love y’all!
-Hermana Shirley Crosby 💛

Sariah writes about -” How my mission has changed and helped me”
My mission has taught me a lot about God’s love and His plan for each of us. For as long as I could remember I didn’t want to serve a mission but after a lot of encouragement from friends and leaders I decided that I needed to actually pray about it. So that was one of the first moments I realized God had a plan for me that I didn’t know about. Almost instantly after asking God about it I received my answer, I needed to serve a mission. Well, I’m 14 months in and every step of the way I have seen God guide friends, family and me. God knew that my mission would allow me to meet some of my closest friends and hear the testimonies of many that have helped me.
I have found that no matter how unimportant you might feel there is always someone that God needs you to touch. You matter and your testimony can and will help others.
I guess my mission has taught me that I have a much bigger purpose, and that wherever God leads me I can always find someone to serve!
Sister Sariah Crosby

Kelcee’s letter celebrating one year in the mission field
Hola!!! Mis amigos!!
I thought that I would celebrate my one year as a missionary with an email haha!!!!
Lots has happened since I wrote last but I’m hoping to start being a little better about it:)) I am currently serving in Wilkes-Barre, PA (which is is pronounced Wilkes-“barry” and the locals will yell at you if you say it wrong 😑 so that’s been fun)
Since I wrote last my companion Hermana Schaerrer and I had the chance to help our friend Sergio take his first step on the covenant path and enter the waters of baptism!!! He is amazing and we miss him everyday! But since his baptism he has received the Aaronic priesthood and passed the Sacrament!!!
My companion Sister Richey and I spend a lot a time knocking doors in our new area and it’s fun because we meet a lot of absolutely crazy people! There are the craziest people out here in North, PA! We meet Witches 🧙♀️ on the weekly, very very high people, and people with very strong and satan related feelings about current politics and politicians 👏 but that’s just life!
We also meet wonderful people prepared by God to receive the Gospel! And those days are the very best!!! We have a wonderful friend named Kathleen that recently learned about the Plan of Salvation, and when we were teaching her she started to cry and shared with us how much hope she had gained by learning about how much God really loves us and has prepared a way for us to have forgiveness and success, even though life isn’t always easy! It was a miracle and the Spirit was so strong 💪
My spiritual thought this week is just to remember that every single person is just as complex and important as we are and lending a listening ear always has a WAYYYYYY greater impact than you think it might. God loves us all and we are His hands, stopping and listening is often and answer to prayer 🙏
Hermana Crosby
Missionary Wall Hanging
Mother had this framed copy hanging in our home – SCSC